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Slipe Lane Pits, Broxbourne, Hertfordshire

New for the 2020/21 Season - From 1st June 2020

Luton AC is now a member club of the Turnford Consortium and from 1st June 2020 members will have access to four former Gravel pits in Broxbourne, Hertfordshire.

Boot Pit

Getting its name from when two small waters were joined into one boot shaped 5 acre Lake, this is a very different looking water to all the others, it is partially covered in lilies throughout the summer and has many shelves across the Lake, this is a 42 swim mixed fishery. Depths vary between a few feet on the bars to 15 feet in some areas.Lilly pads and reed-lined margins make the ideal pleasure venue for all abilities, and juniors are especially welcome.
Many anglers fish the car park swims for obvious reasons - it's not far to walk and large beds of lily pads are close in. This doesn't mean this is where the fish are though. Try the opposite bank where you will find a deep gully close in. It might surprise you how many fish are there. You can also cast to the back of the lily pads where fish might think they are safe from the anglers on the opposite bank.


Don't ignore the other areas of the lake, either by the island or the bottom bay. Both are good holding areas for many of the fish.

Correct feeding is the key. With so much natural food baiting strategies need to be adapted to compete. Forget little and often, get the bait in!

In 2002 the stock was increased in this pit with 6,000 small Carp introduced to immediately enhance the float fishing and long term Carp stocks. Again in 2004 the consortium increased the stock further with 80 Carp around 3lbs to 5lbs in size and of  the same strain as those we are regularly putting into Railway Pit. In 2007 this was repeated again along with a batch of fingerling Carp reared by Lea Valley Parks at their hatchery.In February 2008 around 1,000 Roach and Golden Rudd were stocked from Fishers Pond fishery and in 2010 a further stocking of £5,000 worth of carp around 2-3lbs in weight were introduced.


The original Carp inhabitants now come out at over 30lbs with the earlier stocked fish now at 10lbs to 20lbs. The Tench are up to the 8lbs mark, the Bream around the 6-7lbs mark. As with the other pits Roach, Rudd and Perch play a supporting role.
The Pike in this pit are well sought after by anglers and approach 30lbs.


As with all pits on this complex money is set aside by the consortium each year for restocking to maintain the sport.

Two purpose built swims suitable for wheelchairs are available close to the car park.

Boot Pit Pictures

Railway Pit

Around five acres in size, this is predominantly the Carp lake. Specimens have grown to over 40lb with a good number of 20lb and 30lb fish as back up.

An on-going stocking program started several years ago has seen the improvement of fishing year on year and the weights rise.

There are 19 purpose built bivvy swims surrounding the lake giving plenty of room and comfort on the bank and plenty of water to fish.

A bit of time spent talking to the regulars or some exploring with a marker float is time well spent finding the bars and weed beds.


Don't be fooled into thinking that Carp is all this lake has to offer though. It also contains a good head of other species, with Bream and Tench breaking 10lbs and an abundance of Roach, Rudd and Perch. Some large Pike are also present.

Railway Pit Pictures

Lea Pit

A gin clear 6 acre Lake with one island and 14 swims mostly built to easily take bivvies is the water for the true specimen hunter.Lea Pit is not as heavily stocked with Carp as Railway Pit, but those that are there are very large to over 40lbs.

February 2008 saw a further 15 absolutely beautiful large scaled Mirrors introduced as part of our stocking program these will have grown on significantly.

The lake also contains an abundance of Bream and 100lb+ catches are quite possible with individual fish exceeding 10lb. Large beds of ground bait are the order of the day as the Bream are numerous and ravenous. Any swim will produce as the shoals patrol the whole lake.

Although fewer in number the lake also offers some excellent specimen Tench fishing. Individual weights exceed 10lbs and the weedier areas of the lake should be targeted.

Both the Bream and Tench show best of an evening and through the night and have proved popular with overnighters with 24 hour all year round fishing offered.

In the past this lake was the match venue and as a result has vast numbers of silver fish. Large catches are easily achievable. Specimen Roach, Rudd, and Perch are also a distinct possibility with a little effort. Any of the swims will produce, but the road and canal banks offer the best chances.

Winter brings the chance for fishing for the large Pike. Having fed well on the vast larder of Roach and Bream, specimens in excess of 30lbs are present.
Many anglers are not aware of the quality fishing this lake has to offer.

Lea Pit Pictures

Marsh Pit

This is the pit for the true nature lover. Most of this pit is under SSSI rules (Site of Special Scientific Interest), which means that we cannot do much work to the banks and the surroundings. One end is overgrown with platforms pushing out to fishable positions; the other sides have swims cut in to the bank side growth the pit is generally shallow, with a labyrinth of islands, arms and reed lined bays so there is something to please everyone.

The pit holds Carp to 40lb plus and is also densely populated with Rudd and Tench making some great summer fishing. Even in the Winter good catches can be had.
The Rudd can be found anywhere and are very obliging. It won't take long to amass a substantial catch. Don't be surprised to find the odd specimen tucked away in the reed beds in one of the many bays.

Tench can be a little more discerning, especially with the abundance of natural food available. The lake is very shallow with extensive weed growth so some hard work is necessary. However, the rewards are there with multiple catches of fish to around 8lbs possible.

Bream, Roach, and Perch are also present, but not in the same numbers.
Pike are quite numerous, probably due to the numbers of Rudd. The bank running parallel with the path and the bottom bay offers the deepest water and Pike are always found here. Although noted for Jack Pike, the lake holds the Consortium Pike record of 31lbs.

Marsh Pit Pictures

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